I received an Arduino Uno for Christmas this year, so my Dad and I spent some of the holiday time doing some projects. His job was to get a circuit built implementing a 74HC595 Shift Register and my task was to set up some RF communication. Dad completed his project before I did, but as I’m on vacation all this week, I was able to finally get something up and running.
Prelude to simplified command and control
Just a short message to announce that I am working on a voice recognition system for the Raspberry Pi that has less overhead than some of the currently available options. More can be found in the Readme file of the github repository and I’ll be updating this system over the next few days.
Speech recognition part 1
Quite a while back, I used Jasper to create a speech recognition periodic table fun fact program. That was before my website was revamped and I lost the original blog post. (Well, I do have it in my backups, but it’s not really worth reviving at this point.) I do have a video showing the results, however:
I’ve started to revisit this project, and here are my first thoughts…
Sound from a Raspberry
I’m no longer going to use the phrase like getting water from a stone, because it is probably easier than getting sound from a Raspberry Pi! Here’s some notes on how I’ve coaxed a few notes out of my Pi.
Science Fair Mad Libs
Is it time for you to do a science fair project? Are you looking for ideas? You’ve come to the right place.