Signal processing with Mathematica

I’ve been working on some instrument design projects and have hit a brick wall of sorts. My prototypes are riddled with noise, most likely 60 hz. My thought here was to learn a bit more about signal processing to (a) see if I can get a better understanding of what’s going on and (b) see if this is a possible project for students.

So the setup is as follows. I’ve got an Arduino microcontroller that does one of two things, it either reads the signal from a noisy light detector (in this case, an LED connected to an op amp in a current-to-voltage configuration) or – for debugging purposes – outputs a fixed signal frequency by printing $A0 + A cos(2 Pi f millis()/1000)$ where $A0$ and $A$ are amplitude offset and signal amplitude, respectively, $f$ is the frequency and since millis() returns a value in milliseconds, it is divided by 1000. To enact a sampling rate, I set a delay(dt) in the loop routine where dt is the delay time in milliseconds.

On the *Mathematica* side, it’s pretty easy to read the serial data from the Arduino with d = DeviceOpen["Serial", {<port>, "BaudRate"-><baudrate>}] with replacing <port> and <baudrate> with your values. The code below is a tad clunky, but works well at grabbing data and converting it into a format that Mathematica wants.

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