I tried a different approach to my Instrumental Methods course this semester, which culminated in students building their own heart beat monitor using the Adafruit Feather M4 Express microcontroller. The project is an adaptation of this one from Analog Devices. The main part of the project was for students to add a voltage divider (which they have seen and used in previous projects during the semester), build the circuit on a breadboard and adjust a few of the components in light of the different voltage (3.3 V vs 5 V). Each student was successful in developing a device, and one was able to confirm that the pulse rate was consistent with the fit bit he was wearing.
Mandy at night
Rozenn and I went to the SUNY Brockport choir performance the other night; it was very enjoyable. Afterwards, we walked by the department to see what Mandy (the LED periodic table you can speak to) was up to. Still as bright as ever. It makes me wonder how many students walking the campus at night look up to my office and wonder what the heck is going on?

Happy Thanksgiving, 2021
This year, we decided to try something a little different. I was a bit bored with our traditional fixing so we went with (almost) all new sides. To top it off, we even decided to make it a vegetarian meal.

The main dish course (which is squished to the side) is a caramelized onion and squash tart. Sides include (clockwise from the tart): Brussels sprouts with mostarda, brown butter mushroom pilaf, apple and fennel stuffing, broccoli quinoa salad and my traditional shaped dinner rolls, served with a side of black garlic gravy. Not shown are the apple pie – since it’s still in the oven – and the pumpkin pie – because that never lasts long enough for a photo.
Wishing all(!) of you a very happy holiday.
Almost finished
As any good Sith, I’ve been working on building my own lightsaber. As a not very good Sith, I’ve been taking my sweet time. Finally got some critical parts (umm, the blade) and the project is coming together nicely. Still have some wiring to work on and tweaks to the blade.