FeAtHEr-Cm update

Previously, I announced my latest project in The start of FeAtHEr-Cm. Over the past several weeks, I’ve been iterating through the potentiostat design and I think I’m at a point that the design will stay more or less in place, allowing me to shift my focus to documentation, instrument use and lesson plans.

I’ve also spent some time building a website that contains the documentation for building the instrument, writing code and using the potentiostat in an educational setting. Rather than re-write all of that information here, head on over to this page for a summary of what’s been done and what’s in the pipeline.

Example CVs from 0.01 to 0.5 V/s of potassium ferrocyanide in 0.1 M KCl at a 2 mm diameter Pt electrode. Obtained using the gamma version of the bob173 potentiostat.

Saying goodbye to an old friend

One of my first Raspberry Pi projects was a Pi Palmtop. It was based on a build over at Adafruit and was my entry into building a self-contained device with a 3D printed case. It was fun, and got some decent use. One of the projects I did with it was incorporate Vernier sensors to make a RPi clone of their data acquisition system.

So long Palmtop, your parts will not go to waste.

Now, it’s time to say goodbye. I need the keyboard/mouse that is part of the build for my new Pi projector. Now that I’m pulling it apart, I see there’s a bunch of cool stuff in there (speaker with amplifier, still functioning Li-Poly battery, touchscreen) that will undoubtedly be harvested for future projects.

The Pi Projector

In a week, I return to teaching classes, and my course is going to meet face to face. The pandemic has kept me indoors more or less since the week before Thanksgiving, so I am itching to see students. That said, I’m aware that the virus is not at all contained, and there’s little chance for me to get the vaccine in the near future. [Yes, as a faculty member, I’m allowed to get the vaccine, and I can get it … sometime in April … when classes will be essentially over.

Thanks, government.

Enough of my soap box. I wanted a way to interact with students during office hours, but was worried if we were trying to show work on a computer screen or piece of paper (and thus breaking social-distancing guidelines). I decided solve this problem as I normally do lately – with the help of a Raspberry Pi.

Enter – the Pi Projector.

The Pi Projector, complete with CNC case and a cooling fan!
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