It’s getting hot in my office

I am continuing my exploration of the particle devices. This time, I have a Xenon that is connected to a TMP36 temperature sensor sitting in my office at home. Every second, it updates a variable on the cloud that contains the current temperature of my office.

I think the kitties will expect me to turn on the air conditioner when I get home.

Again, the code running the Xenon is nothing special, just the demonstration code found in the tutorial for reading analog sensors. Oddly, I can find nowhere in the Particle documentation that the analog pins on a Xenon are 10-bit, but they are, which is a bit convenient after having worked with 8-bit analog pins on the Arduino. The Mathematica code is pretty straightforward. Since I am using a variable instead of a function, the HTTPRequest is GET instead of POST.

req = HTTPRequest[<|
   "Scheme" -> "https",
   "Domain" -> "",
   "Path" -> {"v1", "devices", device, "temp"},
   "Query" -> {"access_token" -> token}
roomtemp = Association[];
tsk = SessionSubmit[
  ScheduledTask[roomtemp[Now] = Association[URLExecute@req]["result"],

I created a scheduled task that would grab the room temperature every 10 seconds and store that in a Mathematica session. The data could then be placed in a dynamic DateListPlot that has been updating on my work-office computer all day. Nice.

What’s cool (to me) about this project is that the Xenon is not connected to the internet. It is part of a mesh network with an Argon that is just sitting on my desk doing nothing. Once the mesh network was set up, I did not have to do anything on the Xenon to have it push information to the Cloud – it just happens. I’m starting to like this platform.

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